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Greenville | Nursing & Rehabilitation

Success Story: Dorothy Gwitt

December 22, 2023

Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation is excited to share resident Dorothy Gwitt’s Success Story!

Ms. Dorothy Gwitt has been with Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation since June of this year. She was admitted to our community due to a right hip fracture. She worked hard with our Care Team, receiving physical, occupational and speech therapy. Ms. Gwitt eventually decided to stay at Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation for long-term care.

Ms. Gwitt loves to socialize with her fellow residents, enjoys playing Bingo, and going to the beauty shop to get her hair done. Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation’s Care Team members and residents are delighted to have Ms. Gwitt here with us and can always count on her to give us a smile and friendly conversation. It is such a pleasure to have Ms. Gwitt in our community!