Success Story: Elnora Sherrod
December 27, 2022
Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation is proud to shine the spotlight on resident Elnora Sherrod’s Success Story!
Ms. Elnora Sherrod is a long-term resident at Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 in August of this year and experienced a decline in her overall strength. She required increased dependency with transferring, walking, bathing, dressing, and over all activities of daily living.
Ms. Sherrod worked with occupational and physical therapy daily to regain her strength and independence. With a lot of hard work, Ms. Sherrod was discharged from therapy on November 26, 2022 and she was able to complete her transfers and walk with increased independence! She can now enjoy activities and be more engaged with her friends now that she has regained her strength. Congratulations to Ms. Sherrod and her Care Team on their success!